First things first...
Yes, that's right, it's the 31st October and therefore, Halloween! Ooooo! And yesterday at Post 16 it was Zombie Day, where most people dress up as a zombie or something Halloween related for the day and well... go to school hahaha! I myself dressed up as a zombie (although a couple of people said I looked like a vampire...) by slapping a bit of face paint on, backcombing my hair and cutting up a black top I had. All in all, it was quite fun dressing up and the money raised went to charity, so squirting fake blood all over myself in the changing rooms at Retford Leisure Centre yesterday morning was definitely worth it, if you ask me! Hahaha!
Tonight I'm going to Clumber with a few friends for the Halloween ghost story walk they do, so the wellies will probably be making an appearance along with a hat, gloves and a warm winter coat! Then on Saturday I'm going to a friend's Halloween party as a zombie doctor/nurse so I'll be putting my face painting skills to the test again!
Hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!
Meg xxx